Name of the project  :  Digital Tools: to Engage, to Empover, to Connect

We are pleased to share with you the results and completed activities of the first Erasmus + project of ASK Skopje. The project named Digital Tools Project: to Engage, to Empower, to Connect. 2021-2-CZ01-KA210-YOU-000048114, is part of the Erasmus + program and we implemented it in partnership with the Czech organization Mission: Reconnect. Within 12 months, as long as the project lasted, we conducted an online survey, prepared a report with key insights, realized a 5-day training for young people, youth workers, teachers, and career counselors from Macedonia and the Czech Republic in Prerov, organized 12 online workshops for various digital tools and held 3 focus groups with which we discussed bridging the gap between young people and teachers regarding the use of digital tools. Follow our YouTube channel and take the opportunity to learn new digital tools that will be a support in your work or everyday life.

Learn more about the project by following:

Name of the project   : Human Library

A Human Library first appeared in Denmark in 2000 as a way to fight prejudice by allowing people to meet and talk to people they would normally never have the opportunity to meet. Since then, not only has it grown into a non-governmental organization, but it has also become an international movement with many events around the world, opening various topics and breaking taboos.

ASK Skopje in the period from March 2022 to December 2022 was part of a project supported by the Visegrad Fund and organizations from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Kosovo, and Albania took part in it and took part in a series of activities.

On June 23, 2022, in Skopje, ASK organized its first interactive and educational event “Human Library” where through the presentation and direct conversations with “human books”, we promote different types of activism and professions. Our environment is very rich and fertile and we can get to know and explore it in various ways. With the event, we encourage curiosity and develop research and networking skills, as some of the key skills to be encouraged and dive into the sea of infinite possibilities before us. At the same time, we make friends, have fun and exchange ideas and experiences. 

Meet our “books”:

„Жива книга за природна козметика, нега и убавина“ (Natural cosmetics, care and beauty book)

„Жива книга за патот до практикантска работа„ (The road to the Internship book)

„Жива книга за живот со церебрална парализа“ (Life with cerebral palsy book)

„Жива книга за развојот на општествената градина Бостание“ (Development of the community garden Bostanie book)

„Жива книга за филантропија“ (Philanthropy book)

„Жива книга со совети за нови почетоци“ (Advices for new life beginnings book)

 „Жива книга за гимнастика на коњ“ (Book on equestrian gymnastics)

„Жива книга за женската истрајност“ (Book on female resilience)

„Жива книга за помош на жени и деца жртви на семејно насилство“ (Assistance for women and children victims of violence book)

„Жива книга за гејмерски муабети од маалото“ (Gaming talks from the neighborhood book)

The selection of the books was made in a way to attract different generations and age groups, confront the stereotypes, offer interesting new opportunities to join the community and inspire others on how anyone can help. The reaction was very positive and the visitors expressed their personal experiences after the sessions with the book of their choice. Most of the visitors were interested in talking to the books that are bringing new insights for them, and the teens among the visitors were specifically looking to talk to our book on gaming.

 Learn more:

Name of the project   : Development of a career counseling programs for teachers and students from secondary schools within the framework of a project implemented by Youth Can

During 2022, an expert team from ASK worked on creating two pilot programs for:
– Program for building the capacities for career counseling of teachers and professional associates in secondary schools
– Career counseling program for students in secondary schools
These programs were later implemented and tested on a smaller working group of teachers and students from secondary schools in Skopje.


Name of the project   :  4all@ASK

The main purpose of the project  4all@ASK  was to build the capacities of the organization through the personal and professional development of the members and to raise the level of specific skills of the certified career counselors. The project was financed through 3rd place in the quiz “Through Quiz to Grant” organized by the Civic Resource Center.
For the members of ASK Skopje, two trainings were held:
– Training for digital skills and marketing
– Training on using the Points of You coaching methodology for combining tools and techniques in career counseling


  • Name of the project:  “Competencies for career counseling in secondary schools funded by the City of Skopje” – Level Two

Duration:  October – December 2020

Target group: Teachers and professional associates from secondary schools in Skopje 

  • Name of the project: “Competencies for career counseling in secondary schools funded by the City of Skopje” – Level One

Duration:  2019

Target group: Teachers and professional associates from secondary schools in Skopje

  • Name of the project: “Education for Employment in Macedonia”, project of the Embassy of Switzerland in Macedonia Duration: December 2018 – January 2019Target group: unemployed youth, especially vulnerable groups

  • Name of the project: “Strengthening the capacities of the team of youth activists involved in the Youth Guarantee program”, financed by the Embassy of Switzerland in Macedonia

Duration: April – October 2018

Target group: 24 young field activist from Skopje

  • Name of the project: “Increasing the markets employability”

Duration: December 2017 – May 2018

Target group: Employees in the Agency for employment of RM (AVRM) and activists by National Youth Council of Macedonia (NMSM)

  • Name of the project: “Social inclusion and economic empowerment of young individuals and young married couples at risk through revenue-generating measures in Gazi Baba, Skopje”

Duration: 2016 – 2017

Target group: Experts from the SOS Children’s Village who work with marginalized groups and groups at risk

  • Name of the project: “Train yourself, get support, get hired, financed by the European union”

Duration: June – July 2016

Target group: 10 trainers for career counseling of marginalized groups

  • Name of the project: “Increasing the market employability”

Duration: 2015 – 2016

Target group: Teachers from secondary vocational schools for tourism and catering from Tetovo, Krusevo and Ohrid

  • Name of the project: YES Network “ Developing a standard for training teachers for including career counseling in high schools”

Duration: 2012 – 2016

Target group: Teachers and representatives from the professional services in high schools from all over Macedonia